John Nonymous

John Nonymous

Hiya, thanks for visiting my “My Page” page.

I sincerely hope you don’t take offense at a lack of “real” information here or in my profile. It’s not to be tricky or deceiving; it’s to protect my wife, who suffers from bipolar disorder symptoms.

She and I both perform independent internet searches to better understand this condition. We talk to each other about what we know and have learned but going into details like which sites we’ve visited or whom we’ve had discussions can cause a rapid mood swing in her. I don’t know why, I just know it is.

My part in this is discussion board is just like any one else’s – to vent, to encourage, to dream, to hope. Should my lovely stumble across this board then I pray she sees the respect and love I have for her throughout my postings. When you see your own issues in print for others to see, posted by your most trusted one, it’s very very very difficult to see the love in the words. Hence my ‘Nonymous moniker. I don’t doubt she will recognize me as we know each other so well, but not identifying who I am or what part of the world I live in will make it easier for her to accept my contributions here.

I love my wife so much and want to learn with her how to make our lives more stable. Our children also need to understand this issue and how it will impact them now and forever, and how to live with and love people in all they do. It is a noble aspiration but one very definitely worth aiming for.

Myself, I’m a writer by trade. Not a wordsmith in the form of books or magazines or articles, but a codemonkey, a scripter. A software developer. My coding is in text format, and it oddly enough resembles geometrically-designed poetry when done correctly. And, in the line of work I’m in, I’ve drafted a number of emails (erhm, probably hundreds of thousands of them) and more than a few reference documents, so putting thoughts into writing comes easily for me.

That’s it for now, need to post this now or it will never get on the board. I’ll add more later, maybe not here exactly but the sum of my postings will yield more on who I am and my family I represent.

Thanks for visiting and learning about who I am.



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