Today’s just be thought is on allowing ourselves time to recover from pain.

Not just recovery from the type of thing one would expect – financial losses, failed relationships, tragic events.

No, we are all recovering from our childhoods.

Regardless of our upbringing, the transition into our adult selves is traumatic to each of us. And terribly personal.

Even our very first act in this world is a cry of desperation, confusion, fear. It is a cry for help.

For some of us who are blessed enough to find another who is recovering at the same level and rate as ourselves, cherish that blessing. Many struggle with that.

We must be kind to ourselves and others as we recognize our own struggles through these childhood transitions. Many are not willing to pass through these gates as they know deep inside that each gate represents a loss and a pain they don’t want to manage.

Let childhood go.

We can still embrace life with childlike eyes and hearts.

But we must let the childish desires and actions be. We must let go those who have intentionally or unintentionally harmed us when we were young.

The sooner we do that, the more quickly we start recovering.

Today’s just be thought is on quiet persistence. Sometimes it tough to find what we need to find peace in our lives. Especially when we don’t know what it is we seek. Keep seeking.

Kotaro (crying): I’m sorry if I bothered you by ringing your doorbell all the time.

Neighbor: Go on. You keep ringing all the doorbells of as many houses you can find.

Kotaro: Hmmm?

Neighbor: Not everyone will be happy about it, and some people might not answer at all. But don’t worry about them.

Neighbor (continues): You keep at it. Keep ringing doorbells until you find what you’re looking for.

PicsArt AI, “Doorbells”

Never underestimate the power of humility.

I’d rather engage with someone who admits their failings and is willing to learn from them than someone who hides their mistakes in order to maintain their expert status.

I’ve learned that yes, sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel does come from an oncoming train.

But that’s ok when you’ve developed a knack for jumping on things.

Ride that train to victory! Or find a suitable place to hop off if victory isn’t on the schedule for the day.

Also here’s a deep thought

We have to look deep in the darkest part of our persona to overcome our biggest issues because that’s where we store those issues when we don’t want to deal with them

It’s not my idea but is a good one!

Today’s Just Be Thought

If someone is changing his or her life choices for the better, and to align with your positive goals and vision, that person isn’t sacrificing anything.

Sacrifice done under the idea of coercion leads to resentment, which left unattended, turns to bitterness and eventually derision and scorn.

If someone is moving in a better direction by dropping bad habits or altering his or her lifestyle to prepare to head in a more fulfilling life, the change isn’t sacrifice.

The change may be painful and scary and inconvenient, but it is not a sacrifice

Learning to walk, learning to run, learning to ride a bike, learning to let go of the symbolic millstones that threaten to drown us as we learn to swim in the current of life are never sacrifices. They are part of a satisfying life.

PicsArt AI, “Planet shining in the sky above the stormy sea”

Today’s Just Be Thought is about gratitude. Here are a couple of quotes from those more wise than me:

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” – Brene Brown

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart

PicsArt AI, “Gratitude”

I remember as a kid reading a comic book whose series centered around ironic and gruesome tales of people who let bad influences take advantage of them. I think that was “Tales from the crypt” or “The twilight zone” or something along those lines.

There was one in particular that stuck out and influenced me from then on. It was about a guy who loved to read news stories about horrible events. He loved reading about the pain that was inflicted during the victims’ final moments. Most were mass accidents like airline crashes and car pileups and etc.

I can’t remember the fate that came to him as a result. But I remember being intrigued by the idea that people would find pleasure in knowing the details of others deaths. It saddened me and made me wonder about how normal people thought about things.

I think I was about 9 or 10 at the time and was realizing I wasn’t like normal people.

If a company spent time and energy printing a comic book about this, then I figured many people thought like this character did in the story. Why else make a tale warning them about the spiritual aspects of their interests?

From then on I always wondered what people were really thinking when they were presenting the news. Were they horrified, or excited? And what ironic fates were in store for them?

Pretty heavy stuff for someone who hadn’t yet lived a dozen years on this planet. Well, I was also witnessing stories the media painted about the horrors of the Vietnam war during that time as well. It made sense that I’d be thinking about how people would act and react in times of crisis.

Do pray for protection. Nor out of fear but out of wisdom and comfort. Stay under that huge umbrella of protection God provides. Whatever brand of Goodness you are drawn to, seek it and stay close to it.

This one is on the love of money. “Money” is never the problem. It’s the love of money and the chase to get the best available thing that causes so much pain.

We need access to money, or we cannot do things we need to do. But the acquisition of wealth must be first focused on what is it we really need, and why we need it.

This author of the article I link to explains why he “needed” certain amounts of income and prestige. I pray each of you all take a moment to think about why you want what you want and chase those goals with eyes wide open!

PicsArt AI, “Paper money and coins”




Today’s Just Be thought:

This one is on the love of money. “Money” is never the problem. It’s the love of money and the chase to get the best available thing that causes so much pain.

We need access to money, or we cannot do things we need to do. But the acquisition of wealth must be first focused on what is it we really need, and why we need it.

This author of the article I link to explains why he “needed” certain amounts of income and prestige. I pray each of you all take a moment to think about why you want what you want and chase those goals with eyes wide open!

PicsArt AI, “Paper money and coins”




Today’s Just Be thought:

This one is on the love of money. “Money” is never the problem. It’s the love of money and the chase to get the best available thing that causes so much pain.

We need access to money, or we cannot do things we need to do. But the acquisition of wealth must be first focused on what is it we really need, and why we need it.

This author of the article I link to explains why he “needed” certain amounts of income and prestige. I pray each of you all take a moment to think about why you want what you want and chase those goals with eyes wide open!

PicsArt AI, “Paper money and coins”




Today’s Just Be thought


This thought is about taking action. Having a stoic and peace-seeking mindset does not mean waiting passively for things to happen to us.


It’s the exact opposite. We review our options, understand what we can control, and act on the things that we can do. Even if it’s a tiny thing.


PicsArt AI, “Fast action”

Today’s Just Be thought

Today’s thought is about facing the unknown and how to do that. And why we unconsciously know that how we play is more than if we win the game.

This video is about 9 1/2 mins long – not very long but it covers a lot of info. I like how he describes how to use one’s power of stillness to gather valuable information. At the end he also explains how we unknowingly know why playing well is vital to successful people.

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is from a quote from one of the most influential US presidents. He talked our way out of a potentially earth-shattering nuclear war with Cuba a few years before I was born. I’m thankful for all of us that this was his mindset:

“Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” —John F. Kennedy

PicsArt AI, “Peaceful scene”

Today’s Just Be thought

Be kind. This is the first attribute of stoicism noted on a web page I’ll share. Kindness is not weakness. One can be strong of character and still be kind. As a matter of fact, in some situations, kindness requires strength of character!

Here’s the link to the basics of Stoicism. Although I have been practicing this for years I still review the basics on a frequent basis.

Here’s the bit from the page that caught my eye: ““Kindness is invincible,” says Marcus Aurelius, as long as it’s sincere. “For what can even the most malicious person do if you keep showing kindness?””

Today’s Just Be thought

I was so happy to see you employing this technique this week. Also I am happy I didn’t let the frozen water pump put me in a funk. We saw the problem, came up with a solution, and did the best we could given what we had to hand.

Also, I didn’t stop and fuss and moan about the lack of running water. Instead I kept trying different things until finally the water started flowing again. I was fully prepared for a completely frozen tank and the possibility of costly repairs and still have no running water for possibly weeks.

As shown on the video, I foresaw the possible worst case scenario and planned for it.

When the reality came out much better, my level of happiness was much greater than if I’d have been grumbling about my bad luck.

I know what to do now to keep from having this issue again when it happens (and it will happen again) and am better for the experience.

Hugs to you!

Ten years ago if anyone would have told me I’d be sipping Scotch in a chair a few feet from my cow and baby german shepherd I’d have thought I’d have heard things.

PicsArt AI, “Scotch”

Today’s Just Be thought

Today’s thought is on doing things. What things?

That depends.

It depends on what we can do, what we should do, and how well we choose to do it.

The key bit is choice. We must consider our actions as choices and not things we are cornered or coerced into doing.

We can be tricked, and that can lead to a course of action that is not of our choice, but we can learn from this and choose to be tricked again or choose to do things differently next time.

Here’s the quote:

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Lou Holtz