About The Monkey

Okokok I get it… based on my site stats, it seems folks really do want to know more about this monkey, so here’s some info.

I’ve been on der interwebs since they opened up to the public back in 1993-94 time frame.  Mosaic, Prodigy, Compuserve and all that.  [sigh] yes and some AoL tossed in as well.

I participated in usenet discussions (before G-man took over DejaNews and now owns archiving of the usenet).

Actually I was online before then, goofing around with local BBS’es and all that.  Archie, gopher, etc.  using a Microsoft DOS 6.0 interface.  I’m a software-dev-type, so am technically a hacker-type using the original definition of the term (“one who programs in low-level language – like assembly – and/or takes apart and analyses systems and software to learn its capabilities”) but am NOT a cracker-type (using the modern media-twisted meaning of hacker to be, “evil bad guy”).

If you’re confused about what is a hacker v what is a cracker, or have used the term “hacker” to mean “evil bad internet guy” please please please educate yourself and read this article.

This (monkeyinfinitum) is one of a number of online skins I use when interfacing with der interwebs.  I won’t purposely tie them together but it’s very likely an astute G-man would find a way to do so.  I’ve got nothing to hide, but then again I’ve got no reason to reveal everything about me in a single spot.  You know those darn “hackers” would love to steal another IRL identity 🙂

So what’s exactly on this site?  Just thoughts, random musings, some even a-musing, ha.  It certainly doesn’t cover all my IRL experiences or thousands of hours of online writings posted elsewhere.  In some posts I’m venting painful or annoying experiences and in others I’m sharing little (and big) triumphs.

Hopefully some will be of use to others, either as encouragement or warnings.  There’s a reason we recall the history of the Titanic, haha.  And just in case you don’t already know, families are ships too.  Read the article about the Titanic with this in mind and you might catch the connection.  If so, then you’re already a step ahead.  Best of luck.

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