Sacrifice under coercion

Today’s Just Be Thought

If someone is changing his or her life choices for the better, and to align with your positive goals and vision, that person isn’t sacrificing anything.

Sacrifice done under the idea of coercion leads to resentment, which left unattended, turns to bitterness and eventually derision and scorn.

If someone is moving in a better direction by dropping bad habits or altering his or her lifestyle to prepare to head in a more fulfilling life, the change isn’t sacrifice.

The change may be painful and scary and inconvenient, but it is not a sacrifice

Learning to walk, learning to run, learning to ride a bike, learning to let go of the symbolic millstones that threaten to drown us as we learn to swim in the current of life are never sacrifices. They are part of a satisfying life.

PicsArt AI, “Planet shining in the sky above the stormy sea”



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