It’s been a dog’s age since…

It’s been a dog’s age since anything and everything has taken place.

Sounds metaphysical but really, things are happening unbelievably fast.  And also unbelievably slow.  I’ve actually a post about this phenomenon here, written aeons ago.  Or it seems like it.  Hard to tell.

But this post is about my pups.  It’s a continuation of my previous post about what I think they think when they are just sitting around, being standard-issue doggies.

These fellas are both strays, who have managed to find their way here in my home.

They are more than just family members; they are also beacons and steady pulses of welcoming light in a home that has seen a lot of action.

They weren’t meant to be here; I was actually a devout anti-pet person until recently.

The first came at the prompting of my father, who sagely suggested that a pet in the home would help calm the anxieties of children who have been through emotional trauma.  I thought he was speaking of my children, but understand now that includes one of his own as well.

The second came as a result of one mistaken identity.  My daughter, who has re-established connections with me, thought doggie #1 has managed to escape and brought #2 home.  Imagine her surprise when the original pup was home and well, and wondering who was this new contender he would be dealing with.

These bundles of energy and odd smells are part of my home now.  I am still not a pet-fan but we happily occupy the same space with peaceful enjoyment.  It’s a synergistic blend of life these days.  I provide shelter, food/water, and the occasional petting, and they in turn are always here, always eager to greet the family when family shows up.  They also are part of my home defence system which is very much appreciated.  I don’t want to know how many intruders they’ve kept at bay.

And they are growing older, as am I.  One day one of the three of us won’t wake from slumber.  That’s ok.  They, in all likelihood, won’t really know enough to plan for the eventuality, and I am quite content with the possibility.  But still, I ensure their potential survival by making sure they have ample food in the hopper and  leave at least one toilet seat up to allow for a steady stream of water in case the tub they use runs dry.  And there’s always the kids to check in on me, so pups will be ok.

It’s a ruff life, but someone’s gotta enjoy it 🙂


number one pupnumber two pup




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