Today’s Just Be thought

This one is about war.

Now, why would anyone focused on contemplative thinking ever think about fighting? War, especially?

It should happen more than you’d think. People in groups act weirdly, and almost never to your advantage.

It’s important then, to consider calmly the possibilities that can happen when masses of people begin acting in ways that can surprise you.

This doesn’t mean to panic or worry that everything is crashing. Quite the opposite.

When you study the art of war – and it is an art – you can be more confident in dealing with surprises. You’ll learn how to influence others in ways that are beneficial to you and to them. You’ll understand how an ally is different from a friend.

You will learn to lead with grace and confidence in any given moment.

I’ve read and studied a text from ages ago called “The Art of War”. At first reading it seems to not have a lot of relevance in my daily life.

I mean, I don’t lead troops of horsemen to possible doom in weather and terrain conditions that could kill them and me on this spot.

But I have raised a family, and have guided each of you through scenarios that could devastate us if things had gone badly.

I’ve needed to understand when is the right time to call upon an ally and when to call upon a friend.

I needed a peace of mind and understanding of human behaviour in troubled times that comes from taking input from those who’ve fought actual battles.

Here’s a link to a site that I found tonight. It contains the translated text from the book I read. Next to the passages it explains in modern terms what is meant by the words. Ha, I could have used that years ago!

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is on thinking like a child. We adults can’t always do that, because of our obligations and filters we’ve developed over time to make sense of this world.

But do take time to see the world as a child would. That is the best way to just be.

Here’s the quote:

“Go outside. Don’t tell anyone and don’t bring your phone. Start walking and keep walking until you no longer know the road like the palm of your hand, because we walk the same roads day in and day out, to the bus and back home and we cease to see. We walk in our sleep and teach our muscles to work without thinking and I dare you to walk where you have not yet walked and I dare you to notice. Don’t try to get anything out of it, because you won’t. Don’t try to make use of it, because you can’t. And that’s the point. Just walk, see, sit down if you like. And be. Just be, whatever you are with whatever you have, and realise that that is enough to be happy.
There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it.”

Charlotte Eriksson, You’re Doing Just Fine

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is on love. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment with love and then get caught up in the moment when we think love has gone MIA.

I think love is like road trip.

Somewhere around hour 8 of a 20 hour trip I start wondering if this is really worth it. Technically I can turn around and go home and still be on the road less time than if I continue. The idea of pushing on to the end becomes honestly questionable at that point.

Same with love.

When I go on a road trip I have a destination in mind. I have a reason for getting on that road. That’s why I always end up completing the journey.

Love should be like that too. We should have a goal in mind and a reason for putting ourselves out in a vulnerable place.

And, like on a road trip, love should be an Adventure. We should absolutely live in the moment, in the ups and downs, in the excited rush of the start and in the dull hummmmmm of the wheels repeating their seemingly endless rolling over and over again. Love is more than, and deeper than, just the heated, fiery moments of excitement.

Just like we look off the side of the road on a trip and grab a spontaneous family break at the roadside attraction or cafe, we ought do the same in love. Grab that porch picnic lunch, play a game together, read the same book together and compare notes.

Be in the moment together, on an adventure. Adventures can be small as well as grand.

Here’s the quote:

“Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, (Gadfly Saga, #1)

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is on lifting up others. It can take place anywhere, but in our modern world, the opportunity to do so is easier than ever.

For instance, I’ll find a random post in the group where we pretend to be ants. It doesn’t need to be a heavily commented one. I usually let my inner eye pick it out.

Then, I’ll post a positive reply. Sometimes I’ll create a pic or find one online to accompany the reply.

Always, it’s to lift the posters’ spirits. Or rather, “LIFT+” in this case.

I do the same with other people on social media like those I know directly. Sometimes I do offer feedback the other doesn’t like, but it’s done in a way that still lifts them up. But not in an insulting complement kind of way (“I like how your lovely hat distracts from the shape of your nose”).

Looking for these moments is important. You never know when that person needs to be lifted up.

Here’s the quote:

“Sometimes all we need to soothe our soul and ease our burdens is the loving hand of a friend gently touching our heart and lifting us towards love”

Mimi Novic

Today’s Just Be thought

This one came from your Gpa. He shared a long but very awesome post and I’ve captured the part that stood out to me.

This is a core concept in just being in the moment. When you do it properly, you are aware of the timeline that stretches behind and in front of you. However, you aren’t fretting over past events not are you anxious about future events.

Learning from the past and planning for the future are necessary but what’s not necessary are regret and anxiety.

When we can enjoy today for today, learn from the past without regret, and plan for the future without anxiety, we are building a lifestyle that positively impacts not just ourselves but others around us.

Here’s his full post:

Today’s Just Be thought

Today’s thought is about Words. Amazing thing, words. They are really thoughts captured and trapped into an object. If they are recorded, they are a way to share ideas with people in the future.

Words also impact us, now, in real-time. Even a subtle change from using the words good/bad to using happy/sad can alter how we approach problems in real-time.

Many people wiser than me have written on the subject, but I’ll share my personal experience here when I noticed a change in myself after changing word usage:

Today’s Just Be thought

This is not a quote but a meme. Still, it’s worth noting because it’s true.

Many times I find myself wondering why some things are so painful to me and what I did to bring them on.

Many times, yes, I chose to act rashly or procrastinate in a given moment, and that causes hardship to not just me but impacts others.

When I’m in the moment of self-realization that I’m in a tough spot, it’s good to remember this is only a spot. Not a lifestyle.

Not to mean choices don’t have permanent consequences. If I choose to drive impaired and hurt or kill someone, the impact could last a lifetime.

But the moment of darkest despair is only for a brief moment of time. The rest is managing the issue at hand.

And this is why the idea in this meme is so powerful.

I can take the moment of pain and use its power and inherent energy to fuel my actions to a better place.

There’s incorrect but partly flawed wisdom dispensed in many TV shows and movies where the bad person hovers over the victim, saying, “YESSSS USE YOUR ANGERRRRRR….” Usually this is meant to show the victim refuses to use the pain or uses it and becomes dark and evil.

That’s only partly correct.

We can use pain and dark emotions as fuel. I have and still do.

What the TV shows fail to show is a cleansing of that pain before using it as fuel for action. Only when we cleanse the pain can we use it without harm to ourselves and others.

Personally I rely on God’s help for this. After recognizing I’m upset but before I start using the emotion I quickly check in with God to ask for help using this. When I know I’m holding his hand then I open the power gates. It has worked for me for years.

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is a two-fer. I started looking for a quote on blessings and found one on that subject and on humility as well.

When we’re focusing on the moment and not on how great or terrible we once were or are going to be, we can be honest with ourselves and with others. We also can see blessings in the moment as well.

Some people think being humble is to put one’s self down and tell others and ourselves we aren’t as great as others.

That’s exactly wrong!

Humility is the ability to give an honest assessment of ourselves. Not to bring ourselves up or down in the process. It means we can see the amazing beauty in our soul and heart yet still recognize the work still to be done to get us to where we want to be. And then, once we assess ourselves, we stop looking at ourself and move on.

Doing this with a joyous attitude actually attracts blessings. Or maybe not. Maybe when we stop looking at ourselves we clear a path to see the blessings that surround our life every moment.

This quote always makes me laugh. It’s funny because it’s true

James Carlos Blake
“A man who can laugh at himself is truly blessed, for he will never lack for amusement.”

Today’s Just Be thought

This started out as a thought on fulfilment and contentment with what we’ve accomplished. This is different from pride, as pride insists that others know of the accomplishment.

However, this thought very quickly changed when I saw this quote. It’s about disabilities. I’d love to add more to this but simply can’t. What better way to be in a moment with someone when this is on our mind?

Mister Rogers has a way of making each of us feel welcome in the neighborhood.

“Part of the problem with the word ”disabilities’ is that it immediately suggests an inability to see or hear or walk or do other things that many of us take for granted. But what of people who can’t feel? Or talk about their feelings? Or manage their feelings in constructive ways? What of people who aren’t able to form close and strong relationships? And people who cannot find fulfillment in their lives, or those who have lost hope, who live in disappointment and bitterness and find in life no joy, no love? These, it seems to me, are the real disabilities.”

Fred Rogers

Today Just Be thought

It’s not a quote today but a meme. It’s about safety.

Now this may sound strange coming from a man who’s dealt with the after effects of his own risky behavior and those of his kids.

I believe a danger-free life is also a dead life.

Life is not meant to be lived danger and risk-free. We must calculate the risk we face as best as we can and move forward – even into danger – if we are meant to thrive.

How many times have I chosen not to do something, or have done something else, just because that decision will keep me safe? What was the cost of that safety?

Was it worth the price I paid? In many cases, yes. But also in many cases, no.

Today, in this moment, think of a choice you face.

Is taking action on that choice an experiment, or a longer term, permanent change?

We can be riskier on experiments than on long term goals. It’s ok to take on higher risk and less safety during experimentation. Usually the outcome of an experiment will factor into a decision of whether or not to use the same action on your long term plans.

The quote:
Be as safe as necessary

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is about silence. Learning how to live in silence is worth doing. It takes time and dedicated effort to shut off the background noise.

When I say “silence”, I don’t mean putting earcoverings on and blocking out all sound. I mean shutting off the noisy distractions that we purposely turn on to fill voids.

This includes background music, tv on but muted, phone notifications (except for emergency pings), etc.

For example, when I’m typing up these Just Be notes, I shut off the music and lock both work and personal laptops. I want to be in the moment undistracted by anything else.

In doing so I can be more creative. I can hear the birds singing, Cash barking, the neighbor cutting and collecting hay. I hear the whirrrr of the air conditioning and the gentle creaking of the house as the midday sun warms different parts of it up.

I can feel the breeze of the aircon fan and the tenseness of my legs telling me I’ve been standing too long and must rest.

I am living in the moment, and in doing so am much more creative now than I would be otherwise.

Here’s the quote:

“Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.”

Wayne Dyer