Today’s Just Be thought

This thought is on thankfulness. Not thankfulness that things work out the way we’d like, but thankfulness that we were challenged in the first place.

We can’t run without knowing how to walk.

We can’t walk without knowing how to stand.

We can’t stand without pushing up from the ground.

All involve challenge. Falling down. Being frightened of falling again. Managing the pain that comes from fear and hard knocks and those who disappoint us on the path to our goals.

Without those challenges we can’t grow and be strong.

That’s the thankfulness I seek – being honestly grateful to have opportunities to push past, around, and through obstacles.

Here’s the quote:

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.” Anonymous

Today’s Just Be thought is a little early but maybe it’s needed early

Your precious gift is in a lot of pain right now and honestly a bit of danger. It’s so hard for any parent to see this.

With a very recent painful past and a scary path ahead of her, how can you possibly ever think of fluffy clouds and happy rainbows?

You shouldn’t, to be honest. Doing so would be pretending everything is happy happy joy joy when the reality is anything but that.

But what does exist are moments between the scary parts. Your sending that pic of lovely Olive was one of those. You’d stopped bailing water out of the life raft long enough to see the lovely shore on the horizon.

You were practicing just being in the moment.

Keep pouring peaceful love on that daughter of yours. Her thought-brain will forget the thought patch she’s going through. Her heart-soul will remember the love and support you and the nurses and doctors are dousing her with. She will be enriched by that.

Hugs and so much love to you all!

Today’s quote comes from someone who has always been a great inspiration to me. She was born deaf and blind and for years was basically a crazed animal. Yet with the help of an awesome friend she understood language and became an amazing writer.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” Helen Keller

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is not in itself a way to maintain your peaceful presence in the moment but a platform that is needed to make the peace within happen.

It’s about forgiveness.

I’ve struggled with forgiveness in the past with many people. I thought forgiveness meant accepting and embracing the other person’s misdeeds or even acting as it never happened.

No, it’s not that at all. And it’s much much deeper than that.

Here are things I’ve learned about this, and a quote that helps me to keep my eye on the right thing here.

Forgiveness is acknowledgement that I have been done wrong, but not allowing that wrong to continue to harm me.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with how the other person thinks of me before or after I admit forgiveness.

Forgiveness means I can admit it to only myself and no one else and it still is effective.

Forgiveness is like taking off a heavy, wet, dirty coat and leaving it at the door.

“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”
Paul Boose

Today’s Just Be thought

This one’s about peace. It’s hard to just be in the moment when we are at conflict.

We are certainly living in the moment when were in conflict, but we are in survival mode then, and not in thoughtful mode.

A peaceful mind can concentrate on things that need to be done now, without having anxiety over what’s happening next or what has just happened.

But peaceful existence does not mean giving in and letting others roll over us. Sometimes peace means pushing back, and pushing back FIRMLY sometimes. How we do this contributes to our inner harmony.

Here is the quote:

“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” —Ronald Reagan

Today’s Just Be thought

This one is technically not a Just Be thought that focuses on the moment, but it kind of does relate.

It’s about procrastination – something I struggle with daily. You’ve seen my boxes of stuff that have yet to be unpacked. So I know a thing or three about the lure of the beast.

But for other things, I choose not to procrastinate and choose to live and act in the moment by doing what needs to be done.

Planning for action and making small daily steps to a goal is so different from taking immediate random action. The end result may look the same but inner peace comes from the small daily steps.

For planned immediate action, I’ve thought ahead to consider what might be needed. Then when an opportunity comes at the moment, I’ll take it if I haven’t already planned to do so. An example is purchasing and getting installed this power backup generator. I thought about it for a long time, and set things up financially, slowly but surely, to allow myself to be in a good position. When the opportunity arose I stopped thinking and took immediate action to call and set up the unit. It seemed like a spontaneous action but it was actually put in place one ‘today’ decision at a time.

And now here’s the quote

A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ~ Karen Lamb

Today’s Just Be thought

This one touched me deeply for some reason – especially the idea that our true self lies beneath the self that manages the outside world. The self that faces the world must know how to manage disappointment and pain and frustration. This is to shield our true self from these things. And then I thought of the Incredible Hulk, and Bruce Banner, haha. I can do relate to that wild and crazy pair of goofballs.

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behaviour. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.” Eckhart Tolle

Today’s Just Be thought brings to mind the power of humility when it comes to taking criticism from others. The more I read it the funnier it gets, actually. Funny because it’s true.

“If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, ‘He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would have not mentioned these alone.’” – Epictetus

Today was particularly rough at work.

Sometimes things are difficult. There seems to be no end to a particular problem.

When that happens, it’s time to adjust focus and see if there’s a new way to look at the issue.

If you’ve reached the limit of your viewpoints, it’s often useful to wonder, “how would I get this done of my life depended on the solution?”.

Sometimes one just has to be more stubborn than the problem.