Those who know me know I’m an avid monkey fan.

No not the Made-For-TV pop band the Monkees.

I’m talking the swing-from-the-trees type. Apes will do as well, but for today’s analogy I’m going with the ones who do some serious air time.

Things have been crazy these last, oh, let’s say ten years or so. Never quite know what to expect one day to the next.

Well when things get crazy, God puts an image of a monkey in my mind.

Ever watch a monkey swinging from branch to branch, from tree to tree? I mean really watch next time you’ve got some Animal Planet show on TV.

The art with which said monkey gauges his or her air speed and branch swing and drop is simply incredible. And the speed at which the mental calculations must be taking place is more impressive.

And when a monkey misses a branch? He or she just catches the next one as the plummet is taking place. Wow.

It’s been said that walking is simply a controlled fall. That’s more easily imagined when one’s swinging about at a level roughly ten to twenty times one’s height.

Yep that’s what keeps me going sometimes – the image of me the monkey adjusting to things as they fly by, or as they are quickly approaching. Weeee πŸ™‚

Another image comes to mind too, which is what keeps me up at night sometimes.

Do you still have that swinging, happy monkey image in your mind?

Ok, good. Now make some adjustments…

Imagine sections of the jungle where gravity changes unexpectedly. Not just like lighter or heavier then normal, that would be too easy. Make the gravity swap around so up becomes down, left becomes up, that sort of thing. And yep make the gravity heavier and lighter at random. But in most areas make the gravity normal.

Hmmm let’s also make random tree limbs turn to, say, donuts. And some of them look like regular limbs but make them sticky or ultra slippery and stuff.

It’s like that sometimes when things head my direction. Of course not really in real life but sure feels like that.

So on those days when I seem a bit off, it’s because things happen and those kinds of ideas are the thoughts that are zoom zoom zooming past, which keep me sane.

Then there are the dreams I have when I have time to sleep, let’s not talk about those πŸ™‚