I am a fan of the concept of “Complexity”.

“Complexity” is akin to “Chaos Theory” but with an added dimension.  It’s up there with some of Einstein’s, Stephen Hawking’s, Douglas Adams’ and Terry Pratchett’s deep thoughts of Liff, The Universe, and Everything.

Now before I go scaring you off, it means basically this:

Imagine a mature tree, with strong, deep roots embedded deeply in the ground.

Imagine a solid cliffside by the sea, aeons old and basically immovable.

By themselves, these do nothing, except maybe observe the leaf or odd pebble tumbling off themselves.

Some might say this is boring.  And some might be quite right.

In contrast, imagine a different scenario, tumbling in over the horizon and coming very very quickly.

Envision lots of water.  And wind.  Lots and lots of wind.

Water and wind in motion is, in essence, the core concept of “Chaos Theory”, where things change constantly and no one can predict where something will be from one moment to the next.

Some might say this is frightening.  And some might be quite right.

Now what happens when the two worlds collide?

Or to put it more accurately, when the chaotic world collides with, and engulfs the static and motionless world?

When this happens, we have what is called a “Complex System”.

Lots of stuff happening here.

Some of the moving things STOP moving and some of the stationary things START moving.  Usually in a hurry.  Depending on the storm, it can be quite full of Drama.

Some might call this exciting.  I personally believe this to be right.

This I believe is where Life began, where God placed His infinitely large and microscopic hand in a complex stew of rigidity and turbulence and bound the two together for all of eternity.

Coming out of this is also another thought.

I believe Excitement is where Fear meets Confidence.

One cannot be excited if one is in terror of a thing.  Neither can one be excited if one is bored to tears.

Only when the two meet is when true heartfelt excitement – and joyful laughter – comes bubbling forth.

Those of a technical mind may want to come up with a formula like E=F+C or other such thing and try calculate the impact and predict how this works.  I’ve tried.  So have others who have much much more time and mental capacity to do this 🙂

Those of a different mind may want to just watch the excitement as it comes ones way, because the same concept applies to our personal lives, just as it applies to wind, rain, trees and cliffsides.

I can’t avoid the Chaos so I aim to seek Confidence.  That way, when the storms of life hit, I dig deep and hold my roots or solid rock foundation steady.  And only then can I try to enjoy the excitement that comes.

This doesn’t mean I come out of the storms unhurt.

Sides of cliffs crumble.

Limbs of trees are torn off.

That is life, and we can’t avoid that.

But we can survive.  In surviving we can appreciate the source of my Confidence, who is my God and my Lord**, and look to Him for healing when healing is needed.

** actually He doesn’t belong to me, I’m HIS and just am glad to be in His heart

As for Healing, that ultimately comes from God, but sometimes He administers this through his own creations, his cherished ones.  Amazingly enough, yes, through us, broken and scarred and scared and joyful ones.

I could write another story about that subject alone.  And perhaps I shall.

But for the moment, I’ll simply look out my metaphoric window and ponder the coming storm.

And will find excitement in it.

I came across an email that gave a glowing review of a company’s internal website. There was one line that really made be grin and chuckle in the way my colleagues have learned to love and ignore:

“The launch and use of this (internal website) has been so positive that we are making active decisions based upon the data.”

Now as for me, I really really like active decisions. It’s those pesky passive decisions that keep us from progressing our deliverables.

Or worse, deprogressing the deliverables, which is when we stop progressing and start moving backwards, which means we have to start undeprogressing them (which is to stop moving backwards).

At this stage that we’ve probably simply stopped, and are waiting for someone to make an active decision to help us progress again.

Or shall I say reprogress?

I’m amused watching the angry man behind him in traffic.

Might even let a few more people cut in front of him just to watch the reaction behind.

07 October 2009 at 07:50
[commenter] Texting and driving! Tsk Tsk Tsk. Worse than drinking and driving.

07 October 2009 at 07:51
[me] O wait, oops is that an irish coffee i see in my hand?

07 October 2009 at 07:53
[commenter] Ha ha ha! Sounds like a driver I want to go drinking with tonight!

07 October 2009 at 07:59
[me] But not driving… No really i’m a safe driver. O hold on, speed racers’ hot in front of me. Weee now i get to wave to him every time this slow slow traffic stops us. 🙂

07 October 2009 at 08:11
[me] Ah so sad, i lost my driving buddy. He got tired me seeing my happy smiley face and switched lanes. He’s now about three quarter miles in my rear view mirror. 🙁

07 October 2009 at 08:13 · Like
[commenter] Ornery as ever, eh?

07 October 2009 at 08:16
[me] Jr Yah it’s a tough job but SOMEONE has to be a cheeky monkey. O and i made it to parking spot safely 🙂

07 October 2009 at 08:33
[commenter] Well that is a good thing! I was worried the guy behind you was going to shoot you 🙁

07 October 2009 at 08:39
[me] Hee you don’t get to be my age AND as irritating at the same time without learning to duck

07 October 2009 at 09:46
[commenter] S’pose you are right…LOL

07 October 2009 at 16:42
[commenter] It’s so bad that I like this, but we’ve all been the angry one and we’ve all been the one laughing at him, so I guess it’s okay to laugh now… 🙂